Since I found his book called "Be a Global Force of One in your hometown" by John T, Boal, I have been interested in what he has to say. There are all kinds of things a person can do to start a movement. I like that idea.
Stand Up for Children Day:
Originated in 1995, this new day encourages communities to focus on activities to ensure every child a healthy start, healthy development and healthy passage into adulthood. To receive a free organizer kit, call 1800-663-4032 or visit their website at The day is June 1 st.
National Rebuilding Week
Christmas in April is the leading volunteer organization that rehabilitates the homes of the low- income, elderly, and disabled. call 202-483-9083 to learn how to start a program in your hometown. Usually the last Saturday in April.
Martin Luther King Jr. Community Service Day
Loretta King emphasizes that Americans should observe her husband's holiday by following Dr. King's philosophy; that "everyone can be great because everyone can serve". In 1994, the Kind holiday and Service Act designated the King Holiday as a national day of community service. Call 202-606-5000 or visit their website at http://www/ It happens on the 3 rd Monday in January.
National Volunteer Week
Established in 1974, this week is coordinated by the Points of Life Foundation to pay tribute to the backbone of our society: the selfless volunteer. Call 202-223-9186 for the focus on specific initiatives. Usually it happens during the 3rd week in April.
Earth Day
Now more than ever, this one day is needed to reinforce the absolute necessity of everyone taking action to create a healthy and clean environment for the survival of humans, plants and wildlife. Visit their website at for a state by state list of activities or call 212-922-0048 the date for earth day is April 22.
Red Ribbon Week
As a symbolic tribute to a drug enforcement agent who was killed in Mexico, red ribbons were first worn in 1985 by angry parents and youth to draw attention and awareness to the destruction of drugs, and as a lasting commitment to keep kids drug-free. In 1988, the National Family Partnership sponsored the first National Red Ribbon Celebration. Call the partnership for red ribbon decals,stickers and other promotional materials at 314-845-1933, this happens the last week in October.
Make a Difference Day
In 1992, U.S.A. Weekend, in partnership with Points of Light Foundation began promoting a national day of doing good deeds. It's gained momentum each year, and now has over one million people contributing to their communities. Call 800-416-3824 for an information packet, or visit their website at This happens the 4th Saturday in October.
National Philanthropy Day
Founded by the National Society of Fundraising Executives, this event is a great way to salute local philanthropists. Call 800-666-FUND X452 for more information. This happens the 3rd Tuesday in November.
"KaBoom!" works the room to re-energize Community Playgrounds
A community catalyst dedicated solely to having safe and modern playgrounds with kids romping freely is a national non-profit called "KaBoom!". Incorporated in 1995, "KaBoom!" really knows how to help individuals and organizations work the "room" of community contacts for building playgrounds.
From a simple 1-page application, "KaBoom!'"puts you into it's playground pool -a database that links corporates and foundations funding to grass root initiatives.
It then supports communities to gather all the key ingredients for a local success-playground architects, financial contributors, equipment manufacturers, project planning manuals, parks and recreations departments, neighborhood associations, and hands-on technical "glue"-to mold your vision into action.
A project in Harlem was an extraordinary example of how community-built playground can make a difference throughout a neighborhood. After a new playground and nearby parks were renovated, there was 32% reduction i child admission for major injuries to Harlem Hospital. Projects typically cost $40,000-50,000, take 5-12 months to plan, and 1-4 days to build during the final "playground-raising" stage. To receive it's getting started kit, contact "KaBoom"
2213 M St. N.W. Suite 200
Washington, D.C. 20037
or call 888-789-PLAY or
visit them on their website at http://www.
I really think that this information is vital for doing things that ring as so important for our neighborhoods.