It took a long time but my son finally got out of jail just the end of last month. Well what he had to go through I wouldn't have believed. They told him that he had to go through this or he couldn't get out of the pen. He got put into a room with 6 cops and they broke his rib and tazed him and when he fell to the floor, he cracked open his head. They are not human beings, they are animals. I hate the system that keeps viiolating the rights of the people its supposed to be serving! It's just not right that some people think they have all the power and use it to destroy the lives of others. It's been a long time and now he has to face waking up in the middle of the night with night horrors. Always remembering the raw nightmares that he had to endure during the 41/2-5 years he had to be there because of a small crime that was blown up because he was from out of state and probably because he was gay. Obviously this place wasn't the place for a gay person to be put. They seem to do everything wrong for the people who are supposed to be handled carefully because of their predicament. They have no understanding of humanity whatsoever. I don't have any feeling for them either. I wish they would just dry up and go away.
That's obviously what hey wanted for my son. I don't know why so many people are frenzied to misuse power in this country. That is why we need equal grounds and shouldn't be always put to the back burner. There is no justice any longer. I don't know what happened to this country in the last 50 years, but for my purposes, we have moved backwards, not forwards. There is obviously a big break between what one person feels is right and another feels is right. There are so many discrepancies here that its hard to fend through all opinions and make rational judgements of your own.
I wish that I wouldn't be getting things from all sides about what I should be thinking and saying, it begins to feel like a facist state. When all I wanted was equal treatment. I don't think this world knows a lot about being fair. Things just don't seem to be able to work out the way we planned them or saw them in our mind's eye. When we start raising kids, we think that we can guide them into becoming the beautiful people that we wanted them to be. But the workl is twisted and it takes the beauty and turns it into the big mess that we chose to stay away from. There's no getting away from all the terrible things that go on in this world. We can't fight the masses, and even if we try we become labeled by this. It makes the McCarthy era seem bland in comparison.
I'm tired of being made examples of and seeing my child live through this throng of hatreds. They just keep coming and I don't know how to shield him from the terrors of this world. We've tried over and over again but somehow he keeps falling at the hands of the powers that be and the story gets worse and worse as time goes on. I would like to see those brutes brought down, but I don't feel strong enough by my little old self to do something against them. It all takes money, and a lot of it. I feel so unempowered by this whole term of events that I don't know what to do to build him and my other children back up after the rigorous trauma's that he's been put through at such an early age. It's just not a natural state of affairs. I don't know where to take this or what the best route is because in this world it's so easy to fall through the cracks and not make it, rather than making headway into something that we know little to nothing about how to fend through. I am tired of the people who think that they know all the answers and keep holding you back through every ledge and shuffle there is. It just keeps coming and I can't get off the merry-go-round any way I try.
That's obviously what hey wanted for my son. I don't know why so many people are frenzied to misuse power in this country. That is why we need equal grounds and shouldn't be always put to the back burner. There is no justice any longer. I don't know what happened to this country in the last 50 years, but for my purposes, we have moved backwards, not forwards. There is obviously a big break between what one person feels is right and another feels is right. There are so many discrepancies here that its hard to fend through all opinions and make rational judgements of your own.
I wish that I wouldn't be getting things from all sides about what I should be thinking and saying, it begins to feel like a facist state. When all I wanted was equal treatment. I don't think this world knows a lot about being fair. Things just don't seem to be able to work out the way we planned them or saw them in our mind's eye. When we start raising kids, we think that we can guide them into becoming the beautiful people that we wanted them to be. But the workl is twisted and it takes the beauty and turns it into the big mess that we chose to stay away from. There's no getting away from all the terrible things that go on in this world. We can't fight the masses, and even if we try we become labeled by this. It makes the McCarthy era seem bland in comparison.
I'm tired of being made examples of and seeing my child live through this throng of hatreds. They just keep coming and I don't know how to shield him from the terrors of this world. We've tried over and over again but somehow he keeps falling at the hands of the powers that be and the story gets worse and worse as time goes on. I would like to see those brutes brought down, but I don't feel strong enough by my little old self to do something against them. It all takes money, and a lot of it. I feel so unempowered by this whole term of events that I don't know what to do to build him and my other children back up after the rigorous trauma's that he's been put through at such an early age. It's just not a natural state of affairs. I don't know where to take this or what the best route is because in this world it's so easy to fall through the cracks and not make it, rather than making headway into something that we know little to nothing about how to fend through. I am tired of the people who think that they know all the answers and keep holding you back through every ledge and shuffle there is. It just keeps coming and I can't get off the merry-go-round any way I try.
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