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Monday, September 12, 2011

Since I got a letter from my son in jail

   I really didn't realize how hard it is for people to get along in jail.  He's constantly being pushed around and moving from one cell to another because people insistently pick fights with him.  I am wondering if it's because he's gay.  And he speaks of these people like they are animals.  I guess it's the mindset of the people who are in jail and I guess that they're in there for a reason.  But it just doesn't sit well in my stomach.  He just wrote in the last letter that someone was shot right in front of him by the guards.  Why don't they have some checks and balances about the way the guards treat the inmates?  I have been a little queezy ever since I read this.  But what really got to  me was that when I told this to my mother she said, well par for the corps.  I don't understand people's psyches who can just shrug all this stuff off.  We all went to inquire if he was killed, but he didn't know. Their website is set up so nicely, yet all the things I hear from my son are so harsh, it's nerve wracking to know that he's lived through all of this.  It's as if he was doomed.  Even though he had a beautiful warm smile as a child and he was well liked by his peers.  Ever since he's been in there it's like no one wants to know of him or about him.  That's a very sad state of affairs and he complains all the time how his friends have foresaken him.  I can't really give him great consolation, although I do the best I can.  It just makes me feel that life really is so unfair. 

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