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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Something's got to give

   Why do people love to stand in the way of your progress?  I don't understand why my son is going around in circles out in Portland.  He really doesn't deserve the treatment he is receiving out there.  Things are really tight but why when this is happening do they always come down on the poor first.  So many things are turned into insurmountable treadmills to rise above.  And if you can't dance, you can't play.  It's very destructive and then they won't return phone calls.  I tried to put up a for my son, but people don't seem to care.  I don't understand the world today,  it really is a very scary place to live in and raise children in at this point.   Well, some day we may have more idealism all around, but all around me now I feel that that sense that they held in the past is no longer strong within the people of today.  Too much pain and suffering have gone under the bridge.  Well, I just hope that we can change things around.  

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