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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Go Petition- A good place to get started

<a href="">Take the Law Out of the Hospital Petition | GoPetition</a>\
  By using this link, you can get to learn about the latest petition on this site.  I think it holds merit and should be given a second look.  Maybe someone you know has had a similar experience.  I know firsthand that it is much less then pleasant to experience.  The traumatic effects it has on the mother is devastating.  And much worse, there is no one who will go to bat for you when the worst happens.  Try as you may to get someone on your side when the dice land, it is almost impossible to have justice served.  I think that instead of being black listed, the victims of this heinous act of violence against the rights of the poor.  It is a violation of a mother's human rights to have her children removed after a delivery.  It not only tortures the mother, but the newborn also.  And then the family is broken up and it takes a lot of healing to put it back together again, if it ever happens.

1 comment:

  1. is a very interesting site I have come across, there are several good petitions to sign and also you can make up your own. With the tools they provide, you can do it in a snap.
